Thursday, July 30, 2015

Let's start the rhiot!

As many of you probably already know, in the recent months I've been hooked on the Internet Of Thing in general, and creating the rocking Internet Of Things messaging platform in particular. My R&D activities have been revolving around the adoption of the awesome Red Hat JBoss middleware portfolio to the IoT needs. Me, and the other folks interested in the adoption of the projects like Apache Camel or ActiveMQ to the IoT challanges, joined our forces to create the Camel IoT Labs project.

As the Camel IoT Labs project scope is really wider than the scope of the Camel itself, we decided to give up the old project name. Instead we would like to come up with something that would reflect the fact that we are working on the project with the bigger IoT messaging platform picture in mind.

We decided to go with renaming the project to rhiot (pronounced like riot). Our new name hides the Red Hat and IoT in it - which is fine, because we want to stress that our IoT project relies on the rock solid Red Hat software portfolio as its foundation. Starting from today we will be gradually migrating our Camel Labs to new Rhiot name. That will include moving our GitHub project to the new rhiot organization and changing our Maven coordinates from com.github.camellabs to io.rhiot.

I'm also thrilled to say that Red Hat decided to sponsor some R&D activities around the new Rhiot project. So stay tuned and expect amazing IoT stuff coming from the Rhiot team. Also keep in mind that we have really open policy regarding accepting new contributors for our project - if you want to help us to create the IoT messaging platform, you know where to find me :) .

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