Friday, April 24, 2015

Camel IoT Labs project arrived

As some of you already know, I've been pretty interested in the Internet Of Things topic. The IoT is actually a natural extension of my existing interests - M2M communication relies on the messaging and integration technologies heavily, so Camel, ActiveMQ and Fabric8 excel in this area.

Together with some friends of mine from Red Hat (hello Claus, Rob and Greg!) we started the new umbrella project for the contributions related to the Camel/ActiveMQ and the Internet Of Things. The project is called Camel IoT Labs.

What to expect

In the first release of the project we plan to deliver the following new components for Camel:
  • Raspberry Pi GPIO
  • Raspberry Pi I2C
  • Device IO
  • Tinkerforge
  • Eclipse Kura WiFi

Startup hardware setup

We also plan to create, document and promote something called Camel IoT devKit - the opinionated Raspberry Pi based setup of the hardware that you could use to immediately take advantage of the Camel components deployed into it.

Backend in the cloud

Serious IoT solutions can't exist without the proper data center backend. That's why we also plan to create Cloudlets - customizable microservices based on the Apache Camel providing common backend functionaries required by the IoT systems. Our primary target platform at the moment will be Fabric8 with Openshift 3.

Wanna join us?

That sounds interesting? Then join our efforts! Take a look at our issue tracker - we are open for new ideas. And pull request are always more then welcome :) .

1 comment:

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