Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I'm full-rights Apache Camel commiter from now on

From this Monday I'm officially full-rights committer for the the Apache Camel (aka Camel Rider).

Why full-rights? Some time ago, when I started to contribute to the Apache Camel I've been granted committer privileges for the Camel modules not distributed under the Apache license (aka Camel Extra). Now I basically can commit everywhere.

Camel PMCs nominated also two other committers - Scott England-Sullivan and Raul Kripalani. Both of them are Camel/ServiceMix experts hired by Red Hat (previously by the Fuse Source). It so cool to be nominated to the committer in the companion of such open source rock stars :) .

Becoming a committer will definitely increase my contribution frequency rate :) . I got pretty long backlog with things I would like add to the Camel. Things that usually occurred to me during development of the projects with the Camel under the hood.

There is also one thing that is a pure Camel-research not related directly to my professional activity. Some time ago I've managed to start small Camel router on my Android device. I plan to create separated camel-android module in Camel Extra, where people interested in running Camel on mobile devices could contribute their code.

Anyway developing such top-notch project as Camel is extremely exciting and addicting :) . You should try it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Minimal reasonable Fuse Fabric installation

If you're ServiceMix user, you need to be aware of the existence of the fancy piece of software from the FuseSource foundry called Fuse Fabric. Fabric takes deployment of the ServiceMix to the higher level of maturity. The ZooKeeper level of the maturity to be exact.

When you should seriously start to think about introducing the Fabric to your solution?

In my opinion you start to gain from the Fuse Fabric starting from the two ServiceMix instances hosted at two machines.

The minimal reasonable Fabric installation could consist of:

  • Fabric Server and one child container on the first machine (A).
  • Fabric container on the second machine (B). The container on the B machine is connected via SSH to the Fabric Server on the machine A.

You create parent Fabric profile with base configuration. The latter profile will be used to derive two child profiles for the containers A and B. The child profiles will contain machine-specific configuration (like endpoints addresses or singleton quartz tasks).

By introducing Fabric, you get the following advantages over the vanilla ServiceMix installation:
  • the comfort of deploying the ServiceMix solution into the single machine (Fabric Server).
  • clean separation of the shared and machine specific configurations (achieved via profiles).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

ServiceMix: Autodeployment of the bundle snapshots

You can tell Karaf to scan your local Maven repositories for the latest version of the given bundle.
smx@root> osgi:install mvn:com.example/my-bundle/0.1.0-SNAPSHOT
Bundle ID: 227
smx@root> dev:watch 227
Watched URLs/IDs: 
Now whenever you install new version of the bundle to your local snapshot repository, Karaf will fetch the proper jar and deploy it to the ServiceMix.
smx@root> [Watch] Updating watched bundle: my-bundle (0.1.0-SNAPSHOT)
Good thing for fast system tests in the development environment.

PS Thanks to Łukasz Dywicki (aka Karaf-PMC-master) for a good comment.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

LoggingErrorHandler support in Camel Scala DSL

Scala DSL for Camel is a little behind its older brother.

I submitted a patch to Camel Scala module, so starting from the Camel 2.10, Scala DSL supports loggingErrorHandler as well as the Java DSL does.
to "jms:out"

And yeah, I also find Scala Camel syntax even more sexy than Java version. :)