Tuesday, September 22, 2015

IoT server platform emerging at Eclipse

Recently at the Eclipse IoT Working group mailing lists one of our members raised the proposal to collaborate on the server-side platform specification.

Why this proposal is so important? Because it may result in the creation of the core engine for the IoT backend services that might become a kind of standard, as there are several companies interested in participating in the project.

I'm definitely interested in getting involved into that initiative. Tomorrow I will be presenting the Rhiot project to the Eclipse IoT Working Group, so the other members can see how Rhiot and that emerging platform could overlap.

I highly recommend to track the minutes published on the Eclipse IoT Working Group mailing lists. The emerging Eclipse platform can be a big thing!

BTW Wondering who is the part of the Eclipse IoT Working Group? EuroTech, IBM, Red Hat, Cisco, Bosch, Sierra Wireless, Canonical, Huawei, Verisign, to mention some of them.


  1. I highly recommend to track the minutes published on the Eclipse IoT Working Group mailing lists. The emerging Eclipse platform can be a big thing. On Eclipse Science blog

  2. rfid tags Wonderful illustrated information. I thank you about that. No doubt it will be very useful for my future projects. Would like to see some other posts on the same subject!
