Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Camel Enterprise Integration Patterns - Message Channel

Hophe and Woolf distinguish six types of Messaging Systems Patterns. The first of them is Message Channel.
  • it is medium defining how application communicate with another
  • it can be located using logical address
  • it can hide complex messaging infrastructure (proxy, facade)
  • it is usually configured at the deployment time
  • set of well orchestrated channels == ESB
Good examples of Message Channels are:
  • JMS queue/topic
  • files located on file system
  • SQL tables
  • HTTP/SOAP connection with Web Service
Camel doesn't provide public implementation of Message Channel pattern. Details of channels implementation are hidden behind the Endpoint facade.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Released db4o component for Camel

I contributed db4o component for Apache Camel. It is hosted under Camel-Extra Project, like all *GPL-related Camel components.

New component allows you to use a db4o datastore as a logical queue. Consumers take messages from the db4o store and then delete them to logically remove them from the queue. On the other hand sending POJO object to the db4o endpoint adds and saves object into the database. Detailed usage is described in the reference documentation.
