Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Let the JBI go

People considering using the ServiceMix (Fuse ESB) sometimes ask me about JBI (Java Business Integration) support in ServiceMix. However in the majority of cases they don't need the JBI. They just read about it on the ServiceMix page or in some old Manning book, so they're asking.

JBI is almost dead. This is as sure as bad lecture is JBI JSR. There will be no JBI 2.0. All new ServiceMix projects I know use pure Camel routing with ActiveMQ instead of the NMR (Normalized Message Router). ServiceMix is not a JBI implementation anymore. Now it is Karaf with bundled Camel, ActiveMQ and CXF support. Of course, you can deploy JBI components on ServiceMix, but only for legacy reasons.

If somebody ask you about JBI, make world a better place and tell - "JBI has gone".

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