Monday, January 4, 2016

Managing Camel routes with Kura web UI

This repost of my DZone article - Managing Camel Routes With Kura Web UI.

In my previous post about Camel and Kura integration I demonstrated how to easily deploy Camel routes into Kura using Rhiot. In this article I would like to elaborate a little bit on how to manage Camel routes from the level of the Kura web UI.

Loading XML routes using SCR property

RhiotKuraRouter comes with a RhiotKuraRouter#updated(Map) method. The primary purpose of this callback is to allow a router to be a SCR component configured using the Kura Web UI and EuroTech Everyware Cloud, however you can use this callback outside the web UI and Everyware Cloud context.

Whenever RhiotKuraRouter#updated(Map) callback is executed, RhiotKuraRouter tries to read camel.route.xml property value (RhiotKuraConstants.XML_ROUTE_PROPERTY key constant), to parse its value and load it as an XML Camel routes. For example if the camel.route.xml property will be set to the following value...

<routes xmlns="">
    <route id="mqttLogger">
        <from uri="paho:topic?brokerUrl=tcp:brokerhost:1883"/>
        <to uri="log:messages"/>
</routes> route will be automatically started (or updated if route with ID equal to mqttLogger already exists).

All the above basically mean that if you register your Kura router as OSGi declarative service, you will be able to dynamically load and update XML routes using OSGi configuration admin service. 

Managing XML Camel routes using web UI

All RhiotKuraRouter instances implements Kura's ConfigurableComponent interface. It means that those can be configured using Kura web UI.

I highly recommend to use Rhiot Kura Camel quickstart as a template for creating Kura Camel routers. Our quickstart is configured as SCR component, so you can just deploy it to the Kura server and see your gateway route module deployed as a configurable service. To specify the route XML that should be loaded by a Camel context running in a deployed module, edit the camel.route.xml service property and click Apply button. As soon as Apply button is clicked, the route will be parsed and loaded.

Our Kura Camel quickstart can be also used from the EuroTech Everyware Cloud (EC).

Maintenance of the Kura routes at runtime

The ability to maintain Camel routes from web UI without restarting a Kura server is extremely important when it comes to the long term maintenance of your IoT gateway solution. It allows to modify a flow of the existing message routes or create new rules without affecting an uptime of your production environment.

Production-level grade IoT gateway (Kura) and powerful messaging framework (Camel) are an example of a perfect combination of two mature technologies which used together result in a solid, but flexible Internet Of Things solution.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Creating Camel routes for Eclipse Kura

This is repost of my DZone article - Creating Camel routes for Eclipse Kura.

Eclipse Kura is the Open Source M2M Software Framework of choice for IoT Gateways, and it's well known for its ease of use and flexibility, and Apache Camel is a message routing engine providing out of the box dozens of connectors to different endpoints.
Eclipse Kura and Apache Camel, when joined together, give developers the possibility to abstract their application logic from both field protocols and data delivery, thus easing and speeding up the development process.
Rhiot Kura Camel quickstart can be used to create Camel router OSGi bundle project deployable into the Eclipse Kura gateway. Rhiot supports Kura gateway deployments as a first class citizen and this quickstart is intended to be used as a blueprint for Camel deployments for Kura. Under the hood Rhiot quickstart uses Camel Kura component to leverage an integration between Kura and Camel . 
If you are wondering where Kura Camel project fits into the Kura architecture - our quickstart is deployed into the application layer of Kura, with a dedicated Camel context instance per application bundle.

Creating a Kura Camel project

In order to create the Kura Camel project from Rhiot quickstart execute the following commands:
git clone
cp -r quickstarts/kura-camel kura-camel
cd kura-camel
mvn install


We presume that you have Eclipse Kura already installed on your target device. And that you know the IP address of that device. If you happen to deploy to a Raspbian-based device, and you would like to find the IP of that Raspberry Pi device connected to your local network, you can use the Rhiot device scanner, as demonstrated on the snippet below:
docker run --net=host -it rhiot/deploy-gateway scan
The command above will return an output similar to the one presented below:
Scanning local networks for devices...

Device type     IPv4 address
RaspberryPi2        /
Keep in mind that /opt/eclipse/kura/kura/config.ini file on your target device should have OSGi boot delegation enabled for packages sun.*,com.sun.*. Your /opt/eclipse/kura/kura/config.ini should contain the following line then:
A boot delegation of sun packages is required to make Camel work smoothly in an Equinox.


In order to deploy Camel application to a Kura server, you have to copy necessary Camel jars and a bundle containing your application. Your bundle can be deployed into the target device by executing an scp command. For example:
scp target/rhiot-kura-camel-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar pi@
The command above will copy your bundle to the /tmp/rhiot-kura-camel-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar location on a target device. Use similar scp command to deploy Camel jars required to run your project:
scp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/camel/camel-core/2.16.0/camel-core-2.16.0.jar pi@
scp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/camel/camel-core-osgi/2.16.0/camel-core-osgi-2.16.0.jar pi@
scp ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/camel/camel-kura/2.16.0/camel-kura-2.16.0.jar pi@
Now log into your target device Kura shell using telnet:
telnet localhost 5002
And install the bundles you previously scp-ed:
install file:///tmp/camel-core-2.16.0.jar
install file:///tmp/camel-core-osgi-2.16.0.jar
install file:///tmp/camel-kura-2.16.0.jar
install file:///tmp/rhiot-kura-camel-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Finally start your application using the following command:
Keep in mind that bundles you deployed using the recipe above are not installed permanently and will be reverted after the server restart. Please read Kura documentation for more details regarding permanent deployments.

What the quickstart is actually doing?

This quickstart triggers Camel timer event every second and sends it to the system logger using Camel Log component. This is fairy simple functionality, but enough to demonstrate the Camel Kura project is actually working and processing messages. 
The snippet below demonstrates the code of the route:
public class GatewayRouter extends KuraRouter {

    @Override    public void configure() throws Exception {



If you are curious how can you create more complicated routes connected to Kura internal services, you would be interested in incoming articles demonstrating those features.   

Monday, November 16, 2015

My "IoT for mere mortals" talk at Capgemini Tech event in Wrocław

If you happen to be in Wrocław this Wednesday, be sure to attend my "IoT for mere mortals" talk. The event takes place in Włodkowica 21 pub (which serves pretty decent beer by the way). I will start do the talking around ~18:00. If you wanna hear a gentle introduction to the Internet Of Things, my talk is for you.

After the presentation I plan to stay for some beers at the venue, so you're more than welcome to join me :) .

Many thanks for Capgemini Poland for inviting me again. I really enjoyed my last visit at Capgemini Tech event where I delivered "Containerize it!" talk.

See you!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

IoT AMQP backend in seconds (with Rhiot)

This is repost of my DZone article - Building an IoT AMQP Backend in Seconds With Rhiot.
The AMQP is becoming widely adopted as the protocol of choice the communication between an IoT gateway and a data center. If you would like to rapidly create the AMQP backend service that can be immediately ready for your gateways and devices, the Rhiot AMQP quickstart will be more than interesting for you.

The AMQP cloudlet quickstart can be used as a base for the fat-jar AMQP microservices (aka cloudlets). If you wanna create a simple backend application capable of exposing AMQP-endpoint and handling the AMQP-based communication, the AMQT cloudlet quickstart is the best way to start your development efforts.

Creating and running the AMQP cloudlet project

In order to create the AMQP cloudlet project execute the following commands:
git clone
cp -r quickstarts/cloudlets/amqp amqp
cd amqp
mvn install
To start the AMQP cloudlet execute the following command:
java -jar target/rhiot-cloudlets-amqp-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
That is really all you need to expose the AMQP message broker to the external devices and gateways.
You can also build and run it as a Docker image (we love Docker and highly recommend this approach):
mvn install docker:build docker:push${TARGET_IMAGE}
docker run -it ${TARGET_IMAGE}

AMQP broker

By default AMQP cloudlet quickstart starts embedded ActiveMQ AMQP broker on 5672 port. If you would like to connect your cloudlet application to the external ActiveMQ broker (instead of starting the embedded one), run the cloudlet with the BROKER_URL environment variable or system property, for example:
java -DBROKER_URL=tcp:// -jar target/rhiot-cloudlets-amqp-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
docker run -e BROKER_URL=tcp:// -it yourUsername/rhiot-cloudlets-amqp

Sample chat application

The AMQP cloudlet quickstart is in fact a simple chat application. Clients can send the messages to the chat channel by subscribing to the broker and sending the messages to the chat AMQP queue.
$ amqp-client -h localhost -p 5672 --topic chat "Hello, this is the IoT device!"

The clients can subscribe to the chat updates by listening on the chat-updates AMQP topic - whenever the new message has been sent to the chat channel, the clients registered to the chat-updates will receive the updated chat history.
$ amqp-client -h localhost -p 5672 --subscribe --topic chat-updates
Hello, this is the IoT device!
I just wanted to say hello!
Hello, IoT device. Nice to meet you!

The quickstart also exposes the simple REST API that can be used to read the chat history using the HTTP GET request:
$ curl http://localhost:8180/chat
Hello, this is the IoT device!
I just wanted to say hello!
Hello, IoT device. Nice to meet you!

Architectural overview

When AMQP cloudlet is started with the embedded ActiveMQ broker, the architecture of the example is the following:
When you connect to the external ActiveMQ broker (using BROKER_URL option), the architecture of the example becomes more like the following diagram:

The quickstart code

You may be wondering how much code do you need in order to take the advantage of the presented AMQP functionality. Below is all code used by our quickstart to handle the AMQP connectivity: 

import io.rhiot.steroids.camel.CamelBootstrap;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import static io.rhiot.steroids.activemq.EmbeddedActiveMqBrokerBootInitializer.amqpJmsBridge;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join;

public class ChatCloudlet extends CamelBootstrap {

    static final List chat = new LinkedList<>();

    public void configure() throws Exception {
                exchange -> chat.add(exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class))
                exchange -> exchange.getIn().setBody(join(chat, "\n"))


And below is the code used to start the REST API mentioned before:

import io.rhiot.steroids.camel.Route;
import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder;

import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join;

public class ChatRestApiRoutes extends RouteBuilder {

    public void configure() throws Exception {

                exchange -> exchange.getIn().setBody(join(, "\n"))


As you can see, Apache Camel is the first class citizen in the Rhiot world. In order to make Camel connectivity easier, Rhiot comes with the static DSL methods like  EmbeddedActiveMqBrokerBootInitializer.amqpJmsBridge which can be used to easily create the Camel endpoints associated with the broker used by the quickstart.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Socialize! (join the Rhiot community)

We are getting more social :) . People interested in the Rhiot project can now use following channels to communicate with the other members of our community:

Some of us (for example myself) travel pretty much around various JVM/Tech/IoT events. I personally try to keep my twitter followers in the loop in the regards of my travel plans. And keep in mind that I always answer "yes" for coffee/beer/chat proposals :) . 

Have I mentioned that we love contributions? If you want to hack some cool IoT stuff and donate your code to the Rhiot, so the others can benefit from it, just issue pull request. You have some ideas but, not sure where to start? Just drop us a line - we will help you!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Going to EclipseCon? Come to my Camel+Kura talk!

Next Tuesday I will be at the EclipseCon EU 2015 where I will deliver Team up! Eclipse Kura and Apache Camel for IoT Gateways talk. That will be a joint talk I'm gonna give together with the EuroTech's Luca Dazi.

If you wanna catch up with me, feel free to ping me via twitter's @hekonsek.

About my talk:

Data gathering from the field and delivery to the Cloud is a common task in IoT solutions.
Developers find themselves struggling with field protocols on one side, and data delivery protocols on the other.
Eclipse Kura is the Open Source M2M Software Framework of choice for IoT Gateways, and it's well known for its ease of use and flexibility, and Apache Camel is a message routing engine providing out of the box dozens of connectors to different endpoints.
Eclipse Kura and Apache Camel, when joined together, give developers the possibility to abstract their application logic from both field protocols and data delivery, thus easing and speeding up the development process.
This talk will show how Kura and Camel can work together, showing several examples on how to gather data from the field using Kura APIs, and how to deliver messages to several data gathering endpoints using Camel APIs.

About EclipseCon:

EclipseCon Europe is the Eclipse Foundation’s primary European event designed to create opportunities for the European Eclipse community to learn, explore, share and collaborate on the latest ideas and information about Eclipse and its member companies.
EclipseCon is all about community. Contributors, adopters, extenders, service providers, consumers and business and research organizations gather to share their expertise and learn from each other. EclipseCon delivers networking opportunities that lead to synergies in the community, as well as opportunities to give and receive help on specific technical issues or to generate business opportunities

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Rhiot 0.1.2 is out

Rhiot 0.1.2 is finally out! Many thanks for Taariq Levack for the awesome job he did on the new GPSD Camel component and webcam Camel component.

What has exactly changed between Rhiot 0.1.1 and 0.1.2? Here is the complete list:

  • Added Camel webcam component
  • Deprecated BU353 component on the behalf of the GPSD component
  • Added GPS client coordinates type converter
  • Fixed: BU353 returns "FileNotFoundException: /dev/ttyUSB0 (Device or resource busy)" 
  • Rhiot now supports reading Spring Boot file
  • Renamed com.github.camellabs.iot.vertx.camel.GroovyCamelVerticle to io.rhiot.vertx.camel.GroovyCamelVerticle
  • Moved camel-kura component from com.github.camellabs to io.rhiot package
  • Device detection is performed in parallel
  • Added "scan" command to the deployer
  • Deployer now allows to specify customized fat jar
  • Deployer now downloads the same gateway version as deployer version
  • Deployer now detects devices from multiple interfaces
  • Deployer now scans OSX network interfaces
  • Device Cloudlet MongoDB connection now timeouts faster

Rhiot is a messaging platform for the Internet Of Things. We are focused on an adoption of the Red Hat JBoss middleware portfolio to provide solutions to common IoT-related challenges.